Why You Should Play Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag


Released in November 2013 by Ubisoft, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag could possibly be the best game of the year. The game’s expansive map has over 50 new locations and over 75 uncharted islands making it the biggest and most diverse game world ever build by Ubisoft. Besides how Assassin’s Creed IV it is unquestionably better than the previous series, there are many other features to this game that not only make it addicting, but also intuitive, entertaining, strategic, visually unparalleled, and competitive. It is one of those games where the fun is not simply in beating the game, rather, the fun is competing.

The story is set in the early 18th century Caribbean and follows the protagonist, Edward Kenway, a notorious pirate, throughout his adventures during the Golden Age of Piracy. The story is a prequal to its historical predecessors making Kenway to grandfather of Assassin’s Creed III protagonist Ratonhnhaké:ton. The story line begins when Kenway stumbles upon the conflict waged by the Assassins and Templars.

Assassin’s Creed IV differs from the previous series by focusing more on ship-based exploration in the open world map and sea combat. It retains the traditional elements of land-based exploration, melee combat, and stealth system. But the ship-based exploration and sea combat is definitely worth further discussion…it’s that incredible.


Sea Combat

The graphics are stunning, as is the cinematic elements to the combat scenes. For instance, one can engage in combat and simultaneously a random rogue wave can hit, almost capsizing your (Kenway’s) ship and the opponent’s ship while physically changing the dimensions of combat by adding difficult weather, storms, and the elements associated with these conditions. It is because of these non-scripted cinematic moments that makes Assassin’s Creed IV that much fun to play.


Harpooning, which is basically hunting in the sea, is also a fun component of sea exploration that can make you fast money. You can kill sharks, whales, and other sea creatures and collect them for money. However, in order to go hunting, you must have harpoon upgrades. In any case, once you have the upgrades you can go hunting and many of these creatures, such as whales, will appear on your map. The bull shark is particularly fun to hunt due to its speed and the incredible graphics the hunt will prompt. If the hunt takes too long your line will break and the shark will get away. Watch out though! The shark may come back to bite you.

The ability to harpoon sea creatures also depends on the kind of upgrades you can purchase based on how much money you have. More money means you can upgrade Edward and his gear (harpoons and the boat). Larger creatures, such as humpback whales and great white sharks, require much better equipment, therefore, more money for more upgrades.

Another component is the ability to wrestle crocodiles. Though, this is not in the sea but lagoons and swamps, it requires no harpoon but rather the strength and skill of Edward with the help of his weapons. Once the crocodile is killed, you can utilize the skin to make gun holsters, upgrade your health, and other additional benefits.

The Underwater

The underwater expansion for this series is a significant historical addition that addresses the importance of underwater exploration in the history of piracy. To explore the underwater realm of ship wrecks and unknown treasures, you must purchase a diving bell: a real 18th century device used by pirates and sailors, allowing them to dive deep underwater. There are hidden dangers underwater and sea predators are a major concern such as sharks and eels but built in elements such as sea grass and ship wrecks can provide camouflage so you can stay out of the sight of predators and collect chests of loot.

Caves, that are filled with loot and unsuspecting enemies, are accessible through underwater passages. Caves are also accessible from land but underwater access just adds a super cool dimension to the experience.




Edward Kenway is a stealthy assassin and Black Flag really brings this to the forefront with the different moves and tactics that can be implemented. For instance, Edward can approach his target silently and while utilizing the dense vegetation, such as bushes and sea grass, as hiding places. He can also stalk his victims by leaning against walls and taking cover behind corners and under various objects.

When he is hidden, Edward can summon the attention of his target by letting out a faint whistle so not to attract the attention of others. When the target approaches, he can silently assassinate them without alerting those nearby.


The level of detail in this game is astonishing. Aside from the incredible graphics, strikingly blue/green sea, all kinds of wildlife and sea creatures dotting the shoreline, there are so many things you can pick up, collect, loot, and purchase. Even the conversations between pirates and between pirates and enemies offer much more insight into the pirate world than ever before. They are not the cold blooded killers that was always assumed. A perfect example of this when, early on in the game, Edward and his pirate crew shoot and eventually board an enemy ship. One of your crew members announce that no harm will come to them as long as they surrender their loot. Upon realizing that none of the ‘enemy’ crew speak English except for one who can just barely understand, your crew member repeats himself more slowly. This is interesting because it counters the idea that pirates would shoot these unknown enemies on sight, rather, this is showing that pirates are not simply the cold blooded killers everyone thought they were.

The story line is undeniably richer, as are the graphics, the map, and the overall experience of playing this game. You will, no doubt, enjoy this incredible progression as you play Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.