7 Google Glass Apps that Will Change the Way You Live

While Google Glass is still finding its relevance for practical use, new apps for Glass have been seeking to change that by creating uses for the $1,500 device that integrate it into every day activities. Here are 7 such apps that bring Google Glass to your life, some in ways you probably would have never even imagined (or wanted, for that matter).

1. Gaming

Google has developed their own mini games (Tennis, Balance, Clay Shooter, Matcher and Shape Splitter) to demonstrate the device’s capabilities. The creators of Deer Hunter have also experimented with creating Spellista, which involves creating word scramble puzzles that you can share with your friends using various functions of Google Glass in gameplay.

Pros: These apps re-imagine mobile gaming to be more involved and have more aspects
Cons: This is far less discrete than gaming on your phone- you might look a little crazy tilting your head around and gesturing in public

2. Shopping With Bitcoins

With the app GlassPay, you will be able to directly scan items and pay with the convenience of Google Glass. It uses Bluetooth technology to determine in which store you are shopping in order to access the correct inventory.

Pros: Bitcoins mean less friction and low overhead transaction fees for the merchant and the customer. Scanning and paying through Glass also means no more checkout lines!
Cons: This could open up the opportunity for more shoplifting

3. Translation

The app Word Lens brings you a way to translate visual text through Glass from one one language to another. While the translation happens word by word and doesn’t take context into account, it is still allows the user to interpret his surroundings a different language.

Pros: You can immediately translate what you are looking at without having to type it into your phone or look it up in a dictionary
Cons: This app translates word by word and doesn’t take context into account

4. Exploration

Field Trip is an app for Glass that can identify different objects, landmarks and scenes in your field of vision, providing information about what you are looking at. It also helps you discover things of interest the app picks up that are around you.

Pros: This can be extremely helpful and informative
Cons: …Or extremely distracting

5. Life Saving

Google Glass has potential in firefighting, allowing them to communicate and stream video from the scene in real time, as well as providing them with valuable information and documentation like floor plans or security footage. This could mean safer and more effective firefighting

Pros: This could potentially mean safer and more effective firefighting
Cons: Google Glass doesn’t fit under firefighters’ breathing apparatus masks, there are privacy concerns opposing police body cameras, and the device is just plain expensive

6. Exercise

Gamifying workouts is one way to make exercise more exciting and enjoyable, and Race Yourself for Glass is an app seeking to create such an experience for users. Through over thirty different games as well as allowing you to challenge yourself or friends on runs, this app will make you actually want to be active.

Pros: Be more motivated to exercise, and have fun doing it
Cons: Don’t get too distracted with your device or else it could make running outside dangerous!

7. Sex

In a very unconventional use of technology, Glance creates Sex with Glass, bringing this high-tech device into intimate bedroom situations. This app provides features like observing from your partner’s view, as well as playing some mood music or suggesting sex positions.

Pros: This might help you be more in-tune with what your parter is experiencing…
Cons: Or make for some awkward intimacy (but could be good for narcissists since it lets you look at yourself during sex!)

Check out even more ridiculous uses for technology in sex here.

Featured image via thefluffingtonpost.com