Battlefield 4 Awards


Battlefield 4 will also being giving out Battlefield 4 Awards for completing various missions in Battlefield 4 Multiplayer missions. And here you will find all the info, tip, cheats, and guides on how to get all the Battlefield 4 Awards. Now here is the full list of all Battlefield 4 Awards.

When playing Battlefield 4 Mulitplayer Game Mode, players will receive awards, XP Bonusses, other unique items for Battlefield 4, and some show-off items. Here are the following awards you can receive for Battlefield 4 Awards.

Battlefield 4 Awards

Award Name How to Acquire Award
Battle Packs Throughout the course of your time playing in Battlefield 4 Multiplayer mode, you will get Battlepacks. They will contain new Dog-Tags, Camos, knives, XP boots, and much more. They give you personal options for your player. To earn it you will have to progress in Battlefield 4 Multiplayer. To do this you must get your rank-up and progress in weapons. There are four different Battlepacks in Battlefield 4 – Bronze for rank 3, the rest are awarde for rank 5, rank 7, and rank 10+.
Ribbons In Battlefield 4, you will be awarded Ribbons after completing a task successfully in the game. You can up to several different Ribbons in just one match. You may even earn the same Ribbon multiple times. When you’ve earned enough Ribbons, you will be given a Medal, as well as XP Bonus points.
Medals Earned after receiving a certain number of Ribbons in Battlefield 4.
Dog-Tags Battlefield 4 will give Dog-Tags for all players in Battlefield 4 Mulitplayers. Left and Right Dog-Tag both represent something different. The Left – Show casing your Country’s flag, rank, or clan. The Right – How much you have achieved i.e. kills with a weapon, or certain length of time with a kit. If you killed a player with a Knife Melee Attack, you will claim the Dog-Tags of the Solider you’ve killed, and keep them for yourself.
Service Stars These are awarded to players who play a lot of time with a specific weapon or kit. These are better than Ribbons and Medals. There are 130 unique Service Stars to earn. You can earn each one 100 times.