True or False Answers Level 11

The largest carnivore on land is the polar bear
  • Answer: True
Adrenalin is known as one of the major stress hormones
  • Answer: True
When played “forte” is a musical note is very quiet
  • Answer: False
The Wikipedia logo is an open book
  • Answer: False
William Shatner plays Captain Kirk in “Star Trek”
  • Answer: True
The European country of Luxembourg has 6 official languages
  • Answer: False
Dragon boats have an engine
  • Answer: False


Sitting Bull was a real person
  • Answer: True
The Earth rotates from west to north
  • Answer: False
Rachel Rihanna Harrison is the real name of singer Rihanna
  • Answer: False
“Zoology” is the study of plants
  • Answer: False
The CN Tower in Toronto is the tallest building in the world
  • Answer: False
Plants need carbon dioxide in order to create oxygen
  • Answer: True
The bow of a ship is at the front
  • Answer: False
Sound waves create an echo when reflected by a mountain face
  • Answer: True