Best Fat Burning Foods For A Healthy Lifestyle


4. Pumpkin

Now, we’re not talking about pumpkin pie, or a pumpkin flavored milkshake. These are sure to negate any fat burning efforts. What we’re talking about real pumpkin.

In a one-cup serving alone, you get 394 mg of potassium, .6 g dietary fiber, iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C and 194% of your DV of vitamin A. To top it off, pumpkin is low in calories and fat with just 30 total calories and ,1g of fat. You will pack on the nutrients without all the fat and calories.

And before you think that you will have to eat plain pumpkin diced up, think again. You can easily cook it down into a sauce or blend in a smoothie. To add to this vegetable’s awesomeness, you can also totally eat the seeds for a whole other set of fat burning benefits.