What Happens When You Drink Lemon Water for 7 Days


8. Stabilized moods

Studies have found that smelling lemon scent reduces stress hormones that regulate mood. Lemon oil is commonly used in aromatherapy products for that reason. Drinking lemon offers this benefit as well as the vitamins and potassium in the fruit.

Potassium plays a huge part in regulating blood pressure, and high blood pressure is related to stress, so not getting enough potassium can certainly affect your mood. All in all, lemon water can be a soothing beverage.

9. Balanced pH

It is healthier to have an alkaline environment inside our bodies because diseases like cancer prefer an acidic one. It sounds counterintuitive because lemons are so acidic, but eating them can actually help achieve the right alkaline-leaning pH balance in our digestive systems. The reason is that citric acid, once metabolized, produces alkalizing byproducts.

Note that eating alkaline foods does not necessarily affect the pH balance in our blood, but mostly in our urine. The kidneys do the work to manage pH in the bloodstream. Still, bladder health is important! Ask anyone who’s ever had a urinary tract infection, or even worse, bladder cancer.